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You’ve probably heard the old saying “Stop and smell the roses.” Researchers confirm that taken literally, it’s good advice. The scent of fresh flowers or floral scents in general can boost your mood, lower stress and even encourage friendliness. If you don’t favor these fragrances, simply taking in the color of flowers can kindle positive emotions. Pastel-colored varieties tend to make people feel more relaxed, while bold colors are energizing. Good Shepherd’s campus is full of flowers. Not only do we have professionally landscaped areas, but also plantings by our own residents. There are gardening groups at the Cottages, Moore, and Rhinehart buildings, as well as gardening enthusiasts in The Cove building. The Roberts building has a mixture of plantings along both sides of their front walkway. Don’t forget all the lovely plantings maintained by residents on their own balconies. Altogether, our community offers myriad opportunities to enjoy the power of flowers.

Good Shepherd Community

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